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9 Facts about fatigue

Fatigue is defined as “feelings of tiredness, drowsiness, reduced energy, and increased effort needed to perform tasks at a desired level.”

how can fatigue affect me?

Human fatigue is recognized as one of the leading causes of accidents in industry today. The costs of fatigue are a great human and financial burden for companies, workers and their families. Workers must ensure that everyone in their workplace is aware of potential hazards and take steps to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

Companies use a wide variety of tools to maximize their profitability. At the same time, the safety of workers is becoming more and more important every day. Our SAVE system combines both objectives.

We fun but accurately detect early fatigue rates, simply using smartphones. We generate accessible statistics in real time, which allow us to take preventive measures on time, protecting the health of workers and automatically improving the productivity of companies.

In my personal life

Shift work has been found to have modest, but significant, negative effects on familial relationships.

These include reduced marital quality and satisfaction, less or reduced quality time with children, increased risk of teenage delinquency, and an increased risk of divorce. A New Zealand study of shift workers who worked long hours in inflexible work schedules found that isolation could also pose a problem in shift worker families, not just for the shift worker but also for the non-shift working partner.

Sleep deprivation is a major issue for many shift workers, and the research around this area can also provide insight into the detrimental effects of shift work on families. Studies have found that sleep deprivation is associated with feeling less gratitude towards partners, an increase in interpersonal conflict, reduced empathy and reduced emotional control.

In my business

The total annual value of lost productivity in the United States last year was $ 9.1 billion, representing about $ 20,000 per person with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) or about half of the productivity of the household and the workforce of the average person with this syndrome.

Among people with CFS, the decline in family productivity was 37% and the reduction in workforce productivity was 54%.

Some symptoms of fatigue are:

  • Decreased alertness
  • Slowed reaction time
  • High error rate
  • Failure to respond
  • Below standard performance
  • Reduced motivation
  • Impaired judgment
  • Poor decision making
  • Reduced short-term memory
  • Increased tendency for risk-taking

What is SAFE?

SAFE is a program based on neural networks implemented on a telephone in a form of tool that monitoring of fatigue levels on real time, facilitating the measures conducing to control o reduction of fatigue symptoms.

Using SAFE allow the user to modify the schedules and workflow, maximizing the productivity while minimizing the health risk.

The statistic generated during the utilization of SAFE allows the companies manager to minimize the accident risk and maximize the performance of full works teams and the same time that caring about the wellbeing of their workers.  

The SAFE program is certified by the Deutscher Zertifizierungsverein (für) Software Mathematik Komplexer Systeme.

how does it work?

In order for the application to function correctly, it is necessary to carry out a previous registration of each user, with an image of their face that will be taken as a baseline for some analyzes. Every time a user is going to start an activity, they should launch the application and follow the next steps.

Step 1 the app verifies the identity of the user through its facial recognition system.

Step 2, it will measure a series of parameters on the user’s face and eyes.

Step 3, the application will launch a series of activities to measure coordination, response speed, among others.

A performance report will be generated, accessible only by the supervisor.

In case of detecting a very high level of fatigue, the app will give an alert and recommend taking a pause.

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